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Articles_48x48.png Here is the list of the articles and tutorials published on beanizer.org
Item Title
SugarCRM integration with custom VB6 applications
SugarCRM and Asterisk integration in Java ( II )
NuSOAP, HTTP Authentication and HTTP Proxy
SugarCRM and Asterisk integration in Java - First steps
SugarCRM integration - website session and SOAP session
SugarCRM integration with custom Java applications
Computer Music - ChucK, Java, MIDI and OSC integration
Practical uses of client side encryption
A simple AGI scripting engine with Asterisk-Java
Java ssh tunneling with jsch
Get started with J2me ChartComponent
The Poor Boy Secure Backup System
Build your TextToSpeech service with FreeTTS
Computer Music - ChucK in Action (I)
Run your PHP applications under Resin
Echidna as a Java Shared VM surrogate
Exposing OpenJMS to PHP
First steps with Gambas (I)
Sugar CRM integration with custom PHP applications (I)
Sugar CRM integration with custom PHP applications (II)

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