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Home arrow Tips'n Tricks arrow Linux arrow Palm, CardExport, udev problem under Linux

Palm, CardExport, udev problem under Linux

CardExport from Softick is an invaluable tool for Palm users. With it you can mount from your PC an SD card hosted on your Palm, just like any other usb storage device. Recently I started having problems with my  CardExport on a kernel linux system. When tryng to start the program on my Palm Tungsten E, I got a "sys 0501" error message.

Googling a bit I found something on softick's forum  ; it seems the problem is related to udev polling the device for its volume id too early, when the device is not yet ready. I added the suggested udev rule, but after restarting udev I received an "invalid rule error"

This is how I've solved the problem. In my "/etc/udev/rules.d/50-mdk.rules" file, under the section "disk devices" I've just slightly modified the following line:

 KERNEL=="sd*"     NAME="%k", GROUP="disk" 

to something like this:

 KERNEL=="sd*"     NAME="%k", GROUP="disk", GOTO="no_volume_id"

 and  things have started working again. I'm sure this is not the final solution, but as it has worked for me I wanted to share it with others.

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