
Please enter your username and password.
User Name:

This installation is a functional demo showing integration between SugarCRM and custom PHP applications.
The demo is based on the series of articles 'Sugar CRM integration with custom PHP applications'
published on, and in particular on the first 2 articles:
Basic functions
Using sugar as an authentication system

To see how SugarCRM can be used as an authentication system for custom applications,
you can login from this page using the following credentials:
User Name: thor
Password : thor
Once inside Sugar, create a new Contact with at least: last-name, email, password and the Can Login
flag checked. You can also select a User CSS.
At this point, clicking here a new page will open where you can try to login using
the email and password of your newly created Contact.
You can then experiment changing your Contact's properties again from Sugar.
More integration demos will come soon.